Plant Protection

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Blue sticky Trap

Blue sticky Trap

Blue sticky Trap

Blue sticky Trap

Protect Plus – Neem Based Protectant – 20 Kg

Protect Plus – Neem Based Protectant – 20 Kg

Neem Based Plant Protectant; Natural protection from pests and diseases; Builds plant immunity; Systematic release of essential nutrients; Safe for earthworms, bacteria, and other beneficial
microorganisms; Ideal for use in the kitchen garden and other house plants

Protect Plus – Neem Based Protectent – 2 Kg

Protect Plus – Neem Based Protectent – 2 Kg

Neem Based Plant Protectant; Natural protection from pests and diseases; Builds plant immunity; Systematic release of essential nutrients; Safe for earthworms, bacteria, and other beneficial
microorganisms; Ideal for use in the kitchen garden and other house plants

Protect Plus – Neem Based Protectent – 5 Kg

Protect Plus – Neem Based Protectent – 5 Kg

Neem Based Plant Protectent; Natural protection from pests and diseases; Builds plant immunity; Systematic release of essential nutrients; Safe for earthworms, bacteria and other beneficial
microorganisms; Ideal for use in the kitchen garden and other house plants

Vembu – Nimbecidine 10000 ppm 50ml pack

Vembu – Nimbecidine 10000 ppm 50ml pack
Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹60.00.

Vembu – Nimbecidine 10000 ppm 50ml pack

Vembu – Nimbecidine 10000 ppm 50ml pack
Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹60.00.

Nimbecidine 10000 ppm is effectively controls wide range of pests including white flies, aphids, thrips, mealy bugs, caterpillars, leafhoppers etc. It controls the target pests and eco-friendly with parasites, predators and honeybees.

Mode of Action:

Nimbecidine acts as antifeedant, repellent, ovi-position deterrent, insect growth regulator and sterilant.


The application should be given as prophylactic (or) early stages of pest infestations for 2 – 3 applications with 10 days intervals.

Recommended to apply 2 – 3ml per litre of water.

IFFCO Protect Plus 2 Kg

IFFCO Protect Plus 2 Kg
Original price was: ₹165.00.Current price is: ₹155.00.

IFFCO Protect Plus 2 Kg

IFFCO Protect Plus 2 Kg
Original price was: ₹165.00.Current price is: ₹155.00.

Protect+ is a unique product designed to provide protection to the plants from soil-based pathogens like nematodes and fungus. It is a tailor-made product, which contains Neem and bio-pesticides for natural crop protection. This product acts as a natural soil conditioner and contains organic nutrients for the plants.